Vote on My Beard For Next Year!

Well, I did it. I shaved off the most massive beard I have ever had. And I don’t regret it per se, but I do sort of miss it in a way. And so, while I am happy to once again look like a muppet salamander, my thoughts have already turned to next year’s beard. […]

Oh, to be Free of the Beard

[rafflecopter ]I usually have a beard in the winter, and I usually don’t have a beard in the spring. I often shave for Easter morning, and in fact this year I had a great plan to shave my facial hair into a Lin-Manuel Miranda style goatee for our Hamilton tribute that day. But it was […]

The First Shave After a Long Beard

Although I now concede that I was wrong due to the snow yesterday, I was under the impression this past weekend that spring had arrived.  Therefore, I decided to get into the spirit of the season and shave off my beard, which I grew in the fall because my face was cold.  Under the false […]