You’ve Heard of Method Acting? Try Method Bedtime!

Method acting is a technique popularized by the late Marlon Brando in which an actor literally tries to become a character. They want to emotionally be inseparable from the part they are playing. If their character is mean, they act mean all the time, even when the cameras are not rolling. If they are supposed to […]

“Daddy, Will You Stay With Me?”

“Daddy?” “What is it?” I ask, as I tousle his hair and pull the covers up a little tighter. “Can you read me another story?” “No, you’ve already had stories. It’s time for sleeping now.” I try to smile at him, as I deliver this sad news. “Okay,” he says sadly, rolling over as I […]

Late Night Escape

It was bedtime. Past bedtime, if you must. He and I trudged upstairs where it was made very clear that I would be sharing the big bed tonight. There was no fight about this; everyone was too tired. I settled him down next to me as I pretended to be ready for bed myself. I […]

It’s Not a Mess, It’s A Nest

Do you see that pile of laundry on the floor? Please do not disturb it. I need it in order to sleep. It’s not actually a mess, despite being quite messy in appearance. Sure, there are some clothes in there, a shoe maybe, and other bedrooms objects that have been uncarefully gathered into the pile, […]

The Diminishing Returns of Repeated Scare Tactics

Every night after we read stories and take medicine and put jammies on, we send my daughter up to brush her teeth and then one of us parents goes up to tuck her in.  One day, as I was walking up the darkened stairs to her bedroom, she jumped out and yelled “Boo!” at me, […]

Good Night. I Love You. I Don’t Want To See You Again.

BAM! I hear the bedroom door slam open and I pause the Netflix, stomping over to the stairs to see who is going to appear at the top of them.  As I suspected, it is my three-year-old. “Edward.”  I don’t need to say anything else. “Daddy, I don’t wanna sleep in your bed, I wanna […]