The Striking Similarities Between Malala Yousafzai and Harry Potter

Ruby was at her tenth birthday party, discussing the merits of favorite books with her two best friends, when I overheard this mind-blowing conversation.   Girl 1: Harry Potter is the best series of all time. No book is better than Harry Potter. Girl 2: I am Malala is better. Girl 1: That’s crazy, Harry […]

The Harry Potter Arms Race: A Cold War of 3rd Grade Proportions

A short while ago I wrote a post about when to introduce your child to Harry Potter. The early books are so light and fun (comparatively), but the later books get very dark, very quickly. So we had this great idea of starting them with my daughter when she was almost 9, and then reading […]

The Age-Old Harry Potter Timeline Question

Since the dawn of recorded history, parents have been asking the same questions over and over again. No matter how many books are written or advices given, it seems that there can never be a true answer to these queries that will have parents awake in bed until the wee hours of the morning. “What […]

Everything I Ever Wanted to Do, I Did in Kindergarten

Yesterday we went in for our annual round of parent-teacher conferences. This year, for the first time ever, we got to have both conferences in the same building, because our children attend the same school. We have a 3rd grader and a kindergartener, and you will be pleased to know that they are both doing […]

My Book Is Out!

Dear readers. Dear, dear readers. Wonderful readers. Fantastic, fabulous, financially philanthropic readers. Today is your chance to finally be able to pay for something that I have been giving to you for free for almost 5 years now. Doesn’t that sound like a good deal?! Today, “Dads Behaving Dadly 2” is out, featuring a brand […]

Review: The Single Dad Detour (and $150 Giveaway!)

When Litfuse Publicity contacted me and offered to send me a free book in exchange for an honest review of Tez Brooks’ new book The Single Dad Detour: Directions for Fathering After Divorce, I said okay, even though I don’t do a lot of reviews here. I didn’t know much about the book at all, other […]

My First Regret

People have regrets.  We all do.  Maybe they’re not big ones.  Maybe they don’t affect our quality of life, or keep us up at night, but they’re there.  Unless you have lived a flawless and perfect life, there are mistakes you have made along the way.  And I suppose what makes a mistake into a […]

Only Good Things

As I have been thinking about the ethics of blogging about one’s children, I have become keenly aware of the need to say more good things than bad about them.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I think I paint a positive picture of them in a general sense, but sometimes I get caught up in […]


Apparently, November is NaNoWriMo, which, as you already know, obviously stands for “National Novel Writing Month.”  And I have decided to participate.  I have until the end of the month to write a novel of 50,000 words or more.  And it is terrifying and exciting. Part of the deal is that you are supposed to […]

Band Names That Could Be Adult Soft-Core Fiction Novels

I was at a Halloween party the other night, and one of my friends brought with her to the party a guy who had taped 50 different color samples onto his shirt, such as you might find at a paint store.  All of these samples were different variations on the color grey, and though most […]