Birthday Cake For a Dog

Anna turned 1 on Friday, and the kids demanded that we throw her a birthday party. She needed presents, and bacon for breakfast, and to wear the birthday hat, and to eat cake. As a member of the family, she was entitled to all of the birthday accoutrements that one would normally reserve for humans. […]

How Martha Stewart Tried to Ruin My Oscars Party

For the eleventh year in a row, or, as my daughter put it, starting waaaaaaaayyyyy before she was born, we hosted an Oscars party at which to watch the Academy Awards telecast.  Food, prizes, and fun were had by everyone, especially my six-year-old who was promised that she could stay up to watch the performance […]

The Nerd Cupcake Challenge

I am leaving today to spend the weekend with a bunch of weirdos.  We are going to play board games and video games and do nerdy things like talk about geeky stuff.  I know.  It’s going to be awesome.  As part of this weekend we have each been assigned to bring part of the food, […]

Minty Ice Cream Sandwich Pie Cake

Let me start out by saying that I don’t actually know what Pinterest is.  I mean, I went to the site once to see what it was all about, and I just didn’t get it.  It seemed confusing and unnecessary to me.  However, my wife found this recipe there, so it can’t be all bad.  […]

Cake: Live in Concert

For my birthday, which was two months ago, I received concert tickets to go see Cake, which was three nights ago.  When I was young and childless I used to go to concerts all the time, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen any sort of live concert that does not involve arias or […]

Peep Cake!

I have to be honest.  We did not have the best Easter ever this year.  At least 50-100% of us were sick, and Edward was the sickest of all.  His eyes were a little goopy, and for that reason we decided that we could not take him to church.  And what is Easter without church?  […]

Lightning The Queen

For some reason, Ruby decided to have a Cars themed birthday party this year.  I say “for some reason,” not because I am sexist and think that girls cannot have Cars themed birthday parties, but rather because she has never shown any interest in cars before.  She does not play with cars, she has not […]

Lithuanian Tree Cake

This weekend I had the distinct pleasure of attending the birthday party of one of my favorite people here in Florida, Richelle Mego.  It was held at the local Lithuanian Club (every town has one, right?) and featured tons of Lithuanian food, cheeses, beers, and, most importantly, a Lithuanian tree cake. Now, I know what […]