My Eight-Year-Old Learns to Drive

Every day he asks me if he can drive the car. When I decline his generous offer my 8-year-old son asks if he can at least start the car. And maybe release the e-break. And then shift it into reverse for me so we can pull out of the parking spot. And I often say […]

The Difference Between Innocent and Naive

Innocent and naive mean almost the same thing, don’t they? They both mean you have limited exposure to something, but they have vastly different social connotations. Innocence is valued. It is something to be preserved. When you are innocent, it signifies that you are not supposed to know about the things you don’t know about. It […]

My Son Is Wonder Woman

I wasn’t sure about taking my son to see Wonder Woman. He’s only seven, and it seemed like it might be a little intense for him. He didn’t even want to go! Both he and my daughter had to be dragged to the movies, which seems ridiculous to me as a movie lover, but there […]

To Edward on His Seventh Birthday

Dear Edward, What’s up Buddy?! You are seven! I know that you know this because you have been walking around with a crinkly tube shaped into a number seven for pretty much the past 24 hours. So it is exciting. I wish that seven were not only your age, but also the time that you […]

Don’t Click on This. BOOM! Reverse Psychology.

I woke up this morning and heard my wife telling Edward to get dressed. Well, first she was telling. Then she was pleading. Then commanding. Then ordering threateningly. It wasn’t working. To be fair, she was in the shower at the time and didn’t have a lot of options. So I decided to help. I […]

Partisan Parenting

How’s the political world treating you these days? Do you feel as though the “other side” is working with a completely different set of facts? Do you feel as though “they” have constructed their own reality and will do whatever it takes to protect it? Do they make no sense and refuse to acknowledge clear […]

A Year Without Seizures

One year ago today, in a pool at a water park, as we were killing time waiting to ride the Polar Express, Edward had a seizure. I don’t want to use hyperbole and say it was the most terrifying one he’d ever had, and honestly after so many of them you do get, if not […]

The Salvational Power of Giving

The last time I was depressed (and I mean really depressed) I lost almost everything. I don’t talk about that year very often, because I would much rather be funny and uplifting and joyous. But it happened, and I could start to feel it happening again. I quit Facebook and social media. I stopped blogging […]

The First Pumpkin-Related Injury of the Season

I have been accused of having proportionally inverse reactions to pain. And it may be true. When I am minorly bonked in an upsetting and inconvenient way, I howl as though I were just dealt a mortal blow and all is lost. On the other hand, when I am actually seriously wounded I tend to […]