Why We Marched, and Why You Should Be Angry About It

On Saturday, 4 million people around the world marched in what was the largest peaceful protest in the history of the planet. And we were there. My wife, my daughter, my son and I made signs, packed snacks, and drove to the state capitol to stand up for something. But what? You know what? Let […]

The Sixth Annual Epic Christmas Eve Scavenger Hunt (CESH)

You know it wasn’t our turn to design the game this year, but circumstances being what they were, what choice did we have? My sister-in-law, who was supposed to be the architect for 2016, was scheduled to give birth less than 2 weeks before the event, and so wouldn’t even be able to attend, much […]

The Difference Between 2nd Cousins and Cousins Twice Removed

There is a very easy way to keep track of whether cousins are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc., or whether they are cousins once, twice, thrice, or more removed. With a family like mine, full of cousins of various varieties, we need to be able to keep track of such things, so here’s how you […]

How To Love Everyone You Don’t Know

I was driving to pick my children up from Forest School the other day when I turned a corner and saw a group of kids stumble out of a cemetery, down a hill, and almost into the road. They all wore hoodies and backpacks, and they were laughing and talking together, seemingly unaware that there was no […]

Who Should You Blame When Your DNA is Faulty?

It is not an easy thing, getting genetic testing done on your DNA. For one thing it is very expensive, and insurance companies don’t always like to pay for it. And by “very expensive” I mean “more than I have made in the past decade.” So you don’t want to just have it done without […]

A Day in the Ancient Past – A People Without Technology

Modern life is easy to take for granted. We become accustomed to things so quickly, and things change so fast, that it is sometimes hard to remember what life used to be like for people back in olden times. This past weekend I had the opportunity to experience life as it used to be as […]

A Real American Hero, Rolling to the Rescue

After our movie screening on Saturday, as I tried vainly to clean my house for my big party the following evening, I was beset by my mother. She had, unbeknownst to me, decided to stay the rest of the day at my house with her various small children. Luckily her young minions know how to […]