Flying a 3DR Solo Quadcopter Drone at My Face (With Footage)

Hello everyone! I’m back home from a terrific weekend in Washington, D.C. where I attended the Dad 2.0 conference. I have so much to share with you all, and you will hear more about my escapades throughout the week I’m sure, but I need to start at the beginning with the coolest thing I got […]

Win Tickets to The Okee Dokee Brothers at Bread and Butter Farm!

Vermont friends, I am writing to you with some exciting news about an opportunity for you to hear some great music. As you probably know, I have been getting very excited about kids’ music lately, and one of the best groups out there is the Grammy-winning duo from Colorado, the Okee Dokee Brothers. You may […]

The Adventures of a Field Trip Chaperone

Monday Night– Asked the bus driver if I could ride in with Edward the following morning; was told I had to ask the school about that.– Called the school to ask if I could ride the bus in; was told I had to ask the bus– Picked out farm-appropriate clothing for the both of us– […]

Wednesday Night in the E.R.

Last night we went to a party at a farm.  It was promising to be a really fun night, with tons of delicious looking food to eat (lobster!) and good friends to talk to.  My five year old daughter Ruby was off playing with one of her friends and my wife and I enjoyed some […]

Burger Night at Bread and Butter Farm

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about something awesome and local.  Unless you do not live in Vermont, in which case I would like to tell you about something awesome and far away that you will probably never experience.  What is this exciting thing?!  Why, it is my new place of […]