The First Pumpkin-Related Injury of the Season

I have been accused of having proportionally inverse reactions to pain. And it may be true. When I am minorly bonked in an upsetting and inconvenient way, I howl as though I were just dealt a mortal blow and all is lost. On the other hand, when I am actually seriously wounded I tend to […]

Subtle Tricks and Extra Treats, or How Edward Got So Much Candy

Halfway through the evening it was clear who was ahead. Of course it wasn’t a competition, but if it were a competition, Edward was handily beating his sister in the candy collection department. She noticed it too. Ruby’s pillowcase was fuller than it had ever been before, but Edward’s was fuller-er. How could this be? They […]

The Calvin and Hobbes Long Con Halloween Costume

It was already decided. By November 1, we all knew what our Halloween costumes were going to be for the next year. We were going to do a family themed transformers rescue bot costume set, which involved me constructing four costumes out of cardboard boxes that would actually transform from cars into robots. Luckily I […]

The Greatest Mysteries of the Day – Do You Know the Answers?

Here we are in the year 2016, a year so far into the future that our ancestors clearly thought we would know everything by now. And yet, against all odds, we don’t. Oh, there is so much that we don’t know. The universe is full of mysteries. And today I am spending my time trying […]

Lava Lamps and Disco Balls; Epilepsy and Sadness

I don’t want to write this post. I’ve spend all weekend and most of today trying to avoid it actually, but I don’t have a choice. They sent me a free lava lamp. Last week I never would have dreamed that I would be actively trying to forget one of my favorite days of the […]

Bear in a Squirrel Costume

Hello. If you are a bear, like me, you are probably wondering what to where four Halloween this shear. Well, you should try too go as something that matches yore person’s costume. My person, Ruby, is going to be a tree this time, so I am going to be a squirrel.  This is a picture […]

In Defense of Candy

This is it people! Crunch time! We have only three days left until Halloween, that glorious, annual, sugar-soaked epitome of childhood joy. Is there really anything about this holiday that is not perfect for children? You get to play dress-up. You get to use your imagination and play pretend. You get to hang out with […]

The Tortoise, The Hare, and Their Frustrated Father

Once upon a time, in the era of fables and fairy tales, a young man named Aesop was walking through the woods when he discovered an unusual looking tree with a hollowed out trunk.  As Aesop climbed in to inspect this strange opening, he suddenly found himself in the distant future, where he met two […]

A Brief Moment of Sheer Gratitude

As we scurried about town on Friday, trying to get everything ready for the Halloween Dance Party and the sacred time of tricks and treats, I decided to make a few last minute improvements to my children’s costumes.  We looked fine before, as you can see in these pictures, but isn’t there always room for […]

The Incredibles – A Halloween Photo Gallery

We do it every other year.  On the odd years I let them be whatever they want, but every two years we do epic family-wide themed costumes.  In 2010 we were Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  In 2012 we were The Avengers.  And now it is time once again for our family to become something…incredible!  Of course […]