Twelve Adventures: #2 – Lake Placid Olympic Sports Complex

When 2015 rolled into 2016 almost 40 days ago, my family made the decision that this was going to be the year for adventuring. We have committed to having 12 epic adventures, which boils down to one a month. Now, we could skip one month and double up on another, but that can get dangerous. […]

In the Midst of Crisis, Beauty

I was was about to start driving home when I got the message that, as seemed to be the new norm, things were not going well at home health-wise. It was a two-hour drive that I did in an hour forty-five, and my sense of guilt and despair was palpable as I sped through the […]

The Donahue Sea Caves (and how we fell into them)

Before we get started, I have to make a disclaimer. The name “Donahue Sea Caves” is very misleading. There is only one of them. I did not name it, so it is not my fault, but I didn’t want you to get mad later, like I did when I arrived, when you discover that the plural […]

A Real American Hero, Rolling to the Rescue

After our movie screening on Saturday, as I tried vainly to clean my house for my big party the following evening, I was beset by my mother. She had, unbeknownst to me, decided to stay the rest of the day at my house with her various small children. Luckily her young minions know how to […]

Letting It Go at the Stratton Ice Castle

I don’t think I can sing Geico’s praises highly enough, which might be a weird way to start a story about an ice palace, but if it wasn’t for their helpful rule-bending then we wouldn’t have been able to go. After our car was smashed into by an uninsured villain motorist on Thursday, we were left […]

How We Got Up the Other Side

Turning around to walk back in the direction of the car, I saw a road. A ROAD! Seriously?! After plunging boots first over an icy cliff and sliding through a gauntlet of trees and thorns to wind up on somebody’s second story deck on the way down, I was a little chagrined to see that, […]

A Few Corrections From Ruby

Yesterday I regaled you with a tale of our travails as we visited the whale tails, however I have been informed by my daughter Ruby that the version I told to you was woefully incomplete, and that I clearly left out the most important part of the story.  And so, in an attempt to set […]


We have a tradition in our car.  Whenever we drive by a certain hillside on a certain section of highway between Williston and South Burlington, the driver will shout out “WHALE TAILS!” and then everyone else in the car will echo back.  “WHALE TAILS!”  We have done this for as long as I can remember, […]

Winter Solst Ice

Call me crazy, call me a masochist, call me a glutton for punishment, call me maybe, but I really love terrible winter weather.  I love looking at it, I love playing in it, and I even love driving in it.  And this year, on the winter solstice of all days, we were treated to a […]