A Year Without Seizures

One year ago today, in a pool at a water park, as we were killing time waiting to ride the Polar Express, Edward had a seizure. I don’t want to use hyperbole and say it was the most terrifying one he’d ever had, and honestly after so many of them you do get, if not […]

The Salvational Power of Giving

The last time I was depressed (and I mean really depressed) I lost almost everything. I don’t talk about that year very often, because I would much rather be funny and uplifting and joyous. But it happened, and I could start to feel it happening again. I quit Facebook and social media. I stopped blogging […]

Ruby’s Wish

If there was any sort of downside to Edward’s wish, and believe me you have to look pretty hard to find one thanks to the prowess and proficiency of Make-A-Wish, it was that Ruby didn’t get one. Yes, we all got to go on Edward’s amazing trip, but it was his trip. We did his favorite things, and […]

Twelve Adventures: #7 – Why We Walked Over the Brooklyn Bridge

We weren’t really planning to walk over the Brooklyn Bridge. We were supposed to, according to the magical white folder, be spending the morning at the NY Transit Museum, and then we had day two of that double-decker bus tour. But before we could do any of that, Edward wanted to go to the toy […]

Edward’s First Broadway Show

I honestly  didn’t know if we were going to make it.  After such a long week, and then another busy morning, an evening show seemed like possibly the worst idea ever.  But on the other hand, it was Broadway!  As we had looked over the itinerary for the trip earlier in the week, my wife and I […]

When Your Plans Are Interrupted, You Make New Plans

I never check the news when I am travelling. My normal routine is disrupted, I am busy doing exciting things, and so I often will come home to find out that there has been some sort of major event, natural disaster, celebrity death, or presidential election while I was away for the week and I […]

Twelve Adventures: #5 – Helicopters, Battleships, and the Empire State

Tenor Mom and I were up last night trying to decide how many official adventures this Make-a-Wish trip constituted. Clearly more than one, right? I mean, every day was an adventure! And some days we had several adventures! So maybe we count some and not others, or maybe we divide them up by day, or maybe […]

The Epic Superhero Wish Send-off (& How We Almost Missed It)

We thought he wasn’t sleeping because he was excited. We were all excited. The limousine was arriving at 8 am to whisk us away to the airport for Edward’s Make-a-Wish trip to New York City. So we were excited.  But as he lay in the bed next to me at 3 am, not sleeping, I could […]

Edward’s Wish

So much has happened over that past week that I can clearly not contain it in one post, so I won’t. I will spend the next several days regaling you with specific tales, anecdotes, stories, and adventures that took place during our week-long Make-a-Wish trip to New York City. What I will do here is […]