The Tragedy of Unfulfilled Potential and Unmet Expectations

I was very sad when I found out that Alan Rickman had died. Just days after we all publicly mourned David Bowie, suddenly we were faced with the loss of yet another of our beloved cultural icons. I was sad for selfish reasons, as we always are, because now I would never see him in […]

5 Things My Wife Thinks I Should Blog About

I’m home with the boy today, due to health issues that continue to plague us, and I am feeling kind of sad. I have an opera to memorize by tonight, which I was supposed to be hardcore cramming today, but instead I am watching Word Girl and eating Marshmallow Crispy Oreos. I have no ideas […]


You Got ÜBERMUPPETThank you for taking our “Which Muppet are You?” quiz, TenorDad.  You got Übermuppet. Your penchant for terrible jokes, puns, one-liners, and general nonsense that no one else finds amusing, bring to mind your connection to Fozzie Bear.  You are trying too hard, to be sure, but your overall goofiness and willingness to keep trying, […]

The Greatest Crossovers of All Time

There is nothing like a good crossover.  It’s the reason why “The Avengers” was the number one movie last year, and why there is so much fan-fiction written that attempts to blend two different universes.  There is just something inherently exciting and geek-tastic about two (or more) of your favorite characters meeting and interacting.  I […]

The Value of a Surprise

As part of the never-ending birthday celebration that is the month of March around here, we spent Saturday with my wife’s side of the family at a birthday brunch for Ruby, Edward, and their cousin Avery.  This seemed like the perfect excuse to get Ruby another present. The problem was that her birthday was on […]

Children’s Songs That Are Actually Good

A week or two ago I received an e-mail from my good friend Swan Dancin’.  He was looking for some kid’s songs because he was about to become a father himself, but he had some very specific requirements.  The first, of course, was that they are songs that kids will like.  There’s no point in […]

Take Your Kids To The Muppets

I try not to shamelessly plug things that I like all the time, which is why I try only to rail against things that I hate, and to never write tribute songs about my favorite beverage, but I worry that there might be a family out there that is not planning on taking their children […]

How to Dance Like a Muppet

If you have ever had the pleasure of attending a wedding or other similar event that I am also participating in, then you have probably had the chance to check out my excellent dance moves.  As anyone will tell you, what I lack in skill, I make up for in enthusiasm.  I will happily try […]