A Few Easy Ways to Ensure the Survival of Humanity

Today is Earth Day.  It is a day that we celebrate the planet that we live on.  And do you know why we celebrate it?  Is it because it is pretty?  NO!  WE NEED IT TO LIVE ON!  Perhaps some of you have lost sight of the fact that if we kill most of the […]

A Quick Chat With the Beer Delivery Guy

The blue bin was full, so once again it was time to head to the redemption center to exchange our empty Coke containers for cash.  We used to go to the grocery store for this, because Edward loved the machines they have there, but those things take forever.  The guy at the redemption center can […]

Recycling Music

I am trying to clean out my house.  I have x amount of space, but it seems like I have 2x amount of stuff, so half of it has to go.  The problem is, I hate getting rid of things.  Everything I own has some sort of memory attached to it, and I must confess […]