What Lockdowns are for, According to My Daughter

“I just remembered something that happened at school today, ’cause I told Mace ‘I’m gonna have a good story to tell my Dad!’” We were sitting at Friendly’s having ice cream while Edward was off at Taekwan-do finally getting his green belt, and Ruby had finally remembered something that had happened at school, other than “nothing” […]

Love and Marriage (and Sex)

Something has gone wrong with my awesome parenting. I think I have screwed up “the talk.” I have explained to my daughter how babies are made, and I think she understands the engineering part of it all, but somewhere along the line her glossary got a bit jumbled. I realized this a week or so ago, […]

Say My NAME!

Edward is doing very well at Taekwan-do. He loves it, and he is quickly moving through the ranks of the Little Dragons. As they progress, the kids get stripes on their belts, and once the belt has all the stripes they move to the next color belt and start over. Edward got his yellow belt […]

Thanks, But I Don’t Like That Anymore

Do you remember when I mentioned the many problems associated with doing your Christmas shopping early?  I forgot a big one.  A big one that has just come to light as of yesterday.  You see, kids change their minds over the course of several months.  Heck, they can change what they like in a matter […]

A Child’s Reaction to the First Snow of Winter

Okay, look, I know that we had a few late night flurries last week, and I know that it is not technically winter yet, but my children did not see that snow, and as far as they are concerned, if it’s snowing, it’s winter.  So let us start with the baseline assumption that, according to […]

That’s Not What I Meant By “Dress In Layers”

“C’mon Buddy, the bus is going to be here!  Shoes!”  I glanced nervously out the window for any signs of impending school bus as I tried to hurry my son into his coat and sneakers.  The coat slipped on with only small amounts of protest, but then it was time for the shoes. “Ow!” he […]

A Ball of Chaos Walks Into a Taekwan-Do Academy

If you are a regular reader of these pages then you probably already know a few things about my son.  He is the type of 4-year-old who might steal a bike and disappear into a Toys R Us.  He might growl and scream at you as you walk by, for no apparent reason.  Listening and […]