All About That Tenor

I have noticed a very disturbing trend in society today.  The glorification of one set of characteristics over another and prejudices built into our very subconscious minds have led to an evil that we must work together to stop.  I am referring, of course, to the bass voice.  Not that the voice in and of […]

23 Reasons to Have a Tenor as a Dad

1) If you get lost, you can always hear him over a crowd. 2) Every thing that happens is a new musical adventure. 3) He may be bland, in a romantic sort of way, but at least he is not a bumbling old person, an evil villain, or a doctor. 4) Instead of going to boring […]

Conclusive Evidence That Tenors Are the Best

Exciting news in the world of music research!  I have just finished an exhaustive and unbiased study in which I repeatedly interviewed myself in order to figure out which voice part is objectively the best, and I have reached a surprising and definite conclusion.  Using a five point ranking system in a variety of categories […]

The Ten Tenors

This past weekend I participated in a concert with the American Bel Canto Association called “The Ten Tenors.”  Now, to be clear from the start, this number ten was arrived at in a very loose sense.  For one thing, one of the tenors was sick and didn’t come, so already we are down to nine.  […]