The Academy Award Nominations

Yesterday morning at 8:30 am, the academy award nominations were announced (5:30 am if you live in California).  This is of particular interest to me because, not only do I love movies, but every year for the past seven years we have hosted an Oscars party, with foods filled with movie-named bad puns, contests, ballots, awesome prizes, and a whole lot of fun.  Some people dress for the red carpet, and everyone gets to share a fun evening.

So what do I think of the nominations?  Well, miraculously I have seen seven out of the ten best picture nominees.  They are as follows:

Black Swan – I thought it was medium.  I mean, it was a good movie and all, but I would definitely never watch it again.  However, the academy loves to give awards to great movies that I would never watch more than once, so maybe this is the year of the swan.

The Fighter – This movie was pretty amazing, but most of the super amazing sauce came from Christian Bale.  I think he will deservedly win best supporting actor for this film, but I don’t think it will take home best picture.  But go see it anyway, because it is truly a great film.

Inception – If I could give an award to my favorite film of last year, this would be it.  Will it win best picture?  No.  Have I seen it four times?  Yes.  Would I watch it again right now?  Actually, that is a good idea.  Wait, stop incepting me!

The King’s Speech – This is the movie I would actually give the best picture statue to on February 27th; a truly wonderful film filled with excellent acting, directing, cinematography, and anything else you need to make a great movie.  Just give it the award now, not to…

The Social Network – This movie has been racking up awards all season, so it seems to be an early front runner.  You can find my review of it here, but it is not as good as The King’s Speech. The end.

Toy Story 3 – Ok, ok, I have probably seen this as many times as Inception, and it is probably just as good.  Ruby sure loves it, and so does everyone else, but sadly it is a cartoon, and I don’t think, no matter now good it is, a cartoon will ever win best picture.  At least, not in my lifetime.

True Grit – This was another great movie, by the spectacular Coen brothers.  I can’t think of anything I didn’t really love about this movie, although maybe it was a little understated?  Not as showy as the others?  Well, it was good anyway, but I don’t know if it will win.

Then there are the three films that I have not yet seen:

127 Hours – I specifically did not want to see this film, because I cannot watch gore, medical or otherwise.  I cannot even watch E.R., so I really didn’t want to watch James Franco…well, you know.  I can’t even type it.  Gross.  Maybe I can watch it and fast forward through that part.  Is it on DVD yet?

The Kids Are All Right – I will definitely see this movie.  I know it is out on DVD, and I will reserve judgement until I see it.

Winter’s Bone – I have no idea what this movie is.  Who is in it?  What is it about?  It sounds like a porno flick.  Is it a porno flick?  They are generally not nominated for best picture, so probably not.  It is probably about a dog named Winter.

You can see the full list of nominees here.  Get excited!

Posted in Oscars.

One Comment

  1. So, we have seen 3 out of the top 10. In a normal Oscar year, we would be 5th 3rd there. Ok, that is a stupid, stupid name for a bank (sounds like filth turd) You should take that up under your names rant. Plus having just come from Florida you have recently been scarred by that hideous name.

    Back to the movies: sadly we are at a failing grade having missed 7 of them but for us we are emerging from a long, long period of not watching movies. We are not super parents like you.

    BEHOLD! RED BOX. We are very happy with its flexible return policy of almost any McD’s or Giant around. We will now in fact drive aimlessly watching movies and stopping every 123 to 164 minutes for a fresh ration of nuggets and a pee/sweet tea break. I am sure you see the connection (not the beverage) but the convenience. And it only costs a $1 and impulsively lets you browse like the old days although if outdoors not for long (take that Netflik [purposely misspelled in retaliation for being auto-corrected with Visigoths texting]).

    Ok, I will continue to read the rest of the blog until I am current. I will end with Winter’s Bone. Either you did not want to take it there or just really missed it. Frosty, Hot Chocolate, and a long winter night: it is a animated porno that might just break two barriers for the Oscars (I did not hear you bemoan the other barrier but read between the lines).

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