Hey Young People! Why Do You All Look the Same?

My wife and I were out to dinner last night for our anniversary, and halfway through the meal my wife turns to me and asks which one our waitress is. I laughed at her playfully for not being able to tell which girl was our server, and I turned around to point our server out […]

The Last (and First) Ride of the Blue Lemon

13 years ago today I married Tenor Mom on the best day of my life. 13 years ago tomorrow we left for our honeymoon, a Caribbean cruise that remains one of the best trips I have ever taken. And 13 years ago next week we returned from the cruise, ready to drive home from Vermont […]

Surprise Tenth Anniversary Vow Renewal

For our fifth anniversary, I surprised my wife by flying her to Las Vegas and staging a vow renewal ceremony at an Elvis wedding chapel.  It was our thought at that time that every five years seemed like a good opportunity to recommit to each other, and so we started thinking about our tenth anniversary. […]

Arbortrek Canopy Zipline Tour

In case you somehow missed it, last Friday was my 10th wedding anniversary.  Yes, yes, please hold your applause to the end.  As I was informed by a friend involved in a 49 year marriage (and counting), we are still newlyweds.  But still, a decade of loooooove seems like it deserves some celebration, so we […]

The Best Day of My Life

Ten years ago today my wife and I were married, which seems like kind of a long time ago, but at the same time seems like yesterday.  I still remember the day very clearly, and, though I have had many great experiences since then, the years have not changed the fact that if you asked […]

Concert in a Giant Egg

Last night my spectacular wife took me to see a concert as a preamble to our tenth anniversary.  The concert was held in a giant concrete egg.  But more on than in a moment.  You see, we have been married for almost ten years now, and we really wanted to do something big to mark […]

Two Years of Tenor Dad

Today is Tenor Dad’s birthday.  Well, not my birthday of course; my birthday is in April.  No, today marks the date when, two years ago, the Tenor Dad experience came into being.  Since then I have never missed a day of posting (except for weekends and holidays), and thus gave fulfilled my goal, set forth […]

A Day in Quebec City

For our ninth anniversary, my wife husbandnapped me and took me to Quebec City, the only walled city north of the Mexican border.  Clearly we were not going to leave without checking out the walls themselves, but first we took a little side trip to La Chute Montmorency. Montmorency Falls is a waterfall just a […]

Surprise Vacation to Quebec City

I knew that my wife was planning something for our anniversary, but I had no idea what it was.  All I knew was that she told me to take Friday night off from Burger Night, but other than that I had no clues.  As the mysterious Friday approached, I did start to get a few […]

Happy Birthday to My Marriage!

Nine years ago today, I started the adventure that makes Tenor Dad possible.  Well, at least the Dad part.  And actually, the Tenor part too.  My wife is more supportive of my career than I am, so I feel quite confident in saying that I would not be where I am today, or enjoying any […]