I Only Take My Clothes Off for Other Musicians

This past weekend I performed in a series of concerts with the magnificently redundantly named Green Mountain Monteverdi Ensemble of Vermont. We did some 16th century lute songs as well as the Tallis Lamentations, and it really was a fantastic show. The music was a joy to sing, and apparently to hear as well, judging […]


One Amazingly Simple Trick to Make Your Favorite Clothes Last Longer

We all wear clothes, and all clothes wear out. This is an inevitable fact of life. And there are some articles of clothing that we don’t mind tossing out so much when we see the little tears, the fading colors, or the thinning threads. But then there are other items, our favorite items, that seem […]

How to Remove Security Tags From Clothing

It was the night before her birthday. She was finally in bed asleep (i.e. reading), and that meant it was time to wrap the presents. Turning 9 doesn’t happen every day, so there were some good gifts stashed away in our secret gift location. When I got to the end of the pile, I came […]

Well If It Was Your Favorite Shirt, Maybe You Shouldn’t Have Eaten It

The temperature in the room drops as the air is sucked right out of it. Evil Dictator Daddy has just arrived, ready to hand down another despicable and unfair proclamation that will ruin countless lives forever. His face a twisted mask of hatred, he speaks the words that you have dreaded hearing, but knew, deep […]

The Inaugural Load

I don’t know if there are any true themes running throughout these pages and pages of Tenor Dad posts, but if there are any, one of them has got to be laundry.  From Ruby’s new house wishlist of sidewalks and laundry, to sneaking around my mother-in-law’s apartment trying to wash some clothes; from weird ruminations […]

That’s Not What I Meant By “Dress In Layers”

“C’mon Buddy, the bus is going to be here!  Shoes!”  I glanced nervously out the window for any signs of impending school bus as I tried to hurry my son into his coat and sneakers.  The coat slipped on with only small amounts of protest, but then it was time for the shoes. “Ow!” he […]

Reactionary Fashion

Here is a problem that I have on a regular basis that some of you may be able to identify with.  I often dress for the weather of the previous day.  I am a day late and sweater short!  This is bad planning.  I could look up the weather report for the day on my […]

The Problem With My Brain

There is a problem with my brain.  I suspect that I may have ADD.  Or ADHD.  Or whatever they are calling it these days.  Thinking about it now, I was definitely that kid back in school, and even though they didn’t have Ritalin in those days, I’m sure they would have tried to give it […]

How To Dress Your Fat Babies

One of my wife’s co-workers recently had a baby, and that baby just happens to be on the larger side of average.  Being a first time parent, this poor woman is concerned that her baby may eventually grow into some sort of giant person, such as a sumo wrestler or an average American.  In fact, […]