As always, the most important question of Nerdstock is what nerdy desserts I am going to bring. It’s always hard to top the year 1 cupcake challenge, or the year 2 dragon, but I do try. There were the zombie cookies, which I liked a lot, but this year I decided to try for a […]

Nerdstock IIII: The Death of Roman Numerals

Are you a nerd? Do you love board games, strategy games, social games, games of skill, games of chance, drinking too much, watching your friends drink too much, or getting injured? Then you would love Nerdstock. Now in its fourth year, this Mecca for local game geeks has inexplicably and accidentally moved away from roman […]

I Forgot to Tell You About the Cookies

It’s very hard for me to write this to you today. My fingers have gotten so fat I can barely mash the keys correctly and my mind is clouded in some kind of sugary haze. Totally worth it. Because as great as Monday was, I can’t believe I forgot to tell you about the cookies. I […]

I Am A Mother

I am not a mother, in case that post title was somewhat misleading. I am a father. But I may not be one in the traditional sense of the word. As a stay-at-home Dad, and blogger about such things, I am at the forefront of the online men’s movement to become more like women. Wait, […]

Cookies S01E04 – Cornflake Wreaths

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!  This is my last posting before the big event, and so I would like to leave you with this gift: a special Christmas episode of “Cookies.”  In reality, Ruby and I made several types of cookies this Christmas, including several batches of caramel bars, candy cane cookies, peanut butter […]

Apologies in Advance

I’m very sorry, but I don’t have time to write a blog today.  I mean, I want to, don’t get me wrong, but I am totally swamped over here.  So I apologize for not giving you anything to read today.  Please come back tomorrow for what I’m sure will be the most awesomest blog ever. […]

Cookies S01E03 – Snickerdoodles

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday!  We did, and to prepare for it, we made pies, and a special batch of Thanksgiving snickerdoodles.  Enjoy the show, and come back next time for more Cookies!

Cookies S01E02 – Peanut Butter

Back by popular demand, here is the second episode of Ruby’s cooking show “Cookies.”  This time with guest appearances by Bear and Edward!  Enjoy! And in case you missed episode one, you can watch it here.

Cookies S01E01 – Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip

So as some of you may know, Ruby’s aspiration, at four years old, is to be a chef when she grows up.  Not only a chef, but a celebrity chef with a television show.  This show will be called “Cookies,” and I assume it would involve her making cookies.  I personally believe that we should […]

The One Question You Should Never Ask Your Wife

Look, I’ve been married for almost 8 years.  I’ve been around the block.  I know things.  I’m sure some of you oldsters are scoffing at my paltry eight years of marriage, but come on, if you haven’t mastered it in eight years, you’re not going to get any better at it.  The most important thing […]