Cookies S01E04 – Cornflake Wreaths

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!  This is my last posting before the big event, and so I would like to leave you with this gift: a special Christmas episode of “Cookies.”  In reality, Ruby and I made several types of cookies this Christmas, including several batches of caramel bars, candy cane cookies, peanut butter Hershey’s Kiss cookies, and more, but we did not have time to film all of that.  What we did film is the making of my personal favorite this time of year, Cornflake Wreath Cookies.  Enjoy, and I’ll see you all on the 26th!

Posted in Christmas, Comflake Wreaths, Cookies, Ruby, Video.


  1. Pingback: Weave Made Media – A Guy’s Survival Guide to the Holidays

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