I Am Not a Journalist. I Am Not a Reporter. I Am a Blogger.

First of all, have you seen the new Spider-Man movie? It is fantastic. Best one yet. Tom Holland take all of the magical awkwardness of Tobey’s Peter Parker and all of the smooth quippiness of Andrew’s Spidey, and combines them into the best fully developed characterization we’ve had yet on the big screen for my […]

Twelve Adventures: #7 – Why We Walked Over the Brooklyn Bridge

We weren’t really planning to walk over the Brooklyn Bridge. We were supposed to, according to the magical white folder, be spending the morning at the NY Transit Museum, and then we had day two of that double-decker bus tour. But before we could do any of that, Edward wanted to go to the toy […]

Lego Dimensions vs. Disney Infinity

Lego Dimensions. Disney Infinity 3.0. Since neither of these games are out yet and I have not played either of them, this seems like a good time for me to talk about them, don’t you think? Because I have a problem. I don’t know which one to get!!! Let’s look at this objectively. I have […]

What “Inside Out” Has to Say About Gender Roles

Warning: Once you get past this intro paragraph there will be plenty of spoilery talk about the new Pixar movie “Inside Out.” We saw it on Friday and I can’t stop thinking about it, and specifically how it presents the emotions with regards to gender. So I’m going to write about it and talk about […]

Big Block Singsong

Remember when I wrote that I got sent a package of things to review? Well, in addition to that lifesaving lullaby CD/Book combo, I also received one other totally free item for my perusal: an advance copy of the Big Block Singsong DVD. If you are not familiar with Big Block Singsong, then you clearly […]

Disney On Ice – Turns Out It’s A Lot of Ice Skating

When I was a kid, watching Saturday morning cartoons, there was nothing so tantalizingly amazing as the commercials for Disney on Ice.  Disneyland?  Yeah, we knew we were probably not going there, but Disney on Ice?!  That was coming to US!  Chances are you knew way more people who had been to Disney on Ice […]

Big Hero 6 – A Team of 4?

Okay, I’ll admit it.  I caved.  We have a family tradition that involves going to see a movie over Thanksgiving weekend, and this year we had already chosen Big Hero 6 as our obvious choice.  But then, we just couldn’t wait.  Well, I just couldn’t wait.  It looked so gooooood!  I had to seeeeee it!  Ahhhhhhh!  And so […]

How to Win Your Fantasy Summer Movie Draft

I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but I was in two fantasy football leagues this past winter (and by “past winter” I mean the one that started last October and continues to this day), and I have to say, for a first timer I kicked some tight end.  I was in first or […]

Anna, Elsa, Ariel, and Me

The Frozen soundtrack is currently running on an infinitely repeating loop at my house.  And also in my car.  And in those rare moments when, for some reason or another, we cannot hear the soundtrack (such as travelling between the house and the car), my daughter can be heard singing it boisterously at the top of […]