The Color of Han Solo’s Light Saber

I was alone inside, vacuuming the stairs, when I heard the front door fly open and slam against the wall. Ah. My son was coming inside. He thumped up the stairs very quickly and ran past me, his boots still on and dropping dirt and sticks onto my freshly cleaned carpet, out of sight and […]

Does it Count as Throwback Thursday if You Use a Time Machine?

“I’m not really me,” she told me as she ran into the house and slammed the door. “I’m hiding from the other me.” Then she ran back outside, only to return a few minutes later, slamming the door again. “Ok, have you seen another one of me around here? I’m trying to stay away from […]

Doing Lines with my Daughter

I don’t know if it is the quickness of youth, or if my daughter is just way better at performing than I am, but she can really memorize, and in almost no time at all! I know this, because she keeps asking me to do lines with her. I try to tell her that we […]

Blog Closed Due to Play

I was just sitting down to write a post for today when my son came up to me and asked if I would play Rescue Bots with him.  I’ll see you all tomorrow. Until then, please enjoy this video of a puppy trying to walk in boots.

Top Ten Things Overheard During a Game of Mr. Potato Head

It is a rare occasion when my children decide to play happily together, and last night I decided to take advantage of the once-in-a-blue-moon event by doing some work without interruptions.  This didn’t mean I wasn’t paying attention to them of course, and I found myself often glancing their way, just enjoying and taking in […]

You Hello This One

My son is very polite.  For a three year old, I get more ‘please’s and ‘thank you’s out of him that I could ever even hope to expect.  He is quick with a ‘you’re welcome’ and full of ‘I’m sorry’s when he bashes you in the face with his head, which is about every twenty […]