Donald Trump’s 2016 Tax Return Leaked!

At 11:59 PM last night, just as the Republican President was filing his tax return, a copy was secretly made and transported out of the White House. That copy has become available to us, and we now share it with you, in the interests of transparency. You probably have many questions, the most important being, “Why […]

Partisan Parenting

How’s the political world treating you these days? Do you feel as though the “other side” is working with a completely different set of facts? Do you feel as though “they” have constructed their own reality and will do whatever it takes to protect it? Do they make no sense and refuse to acknowledge clear […]

Deport Them All

I’ve seen it over and over again. On Twitter. In the comments. On Facebook. This idea that it would be better to stop an entire group of people from being in this country because, well, some of them are dangerous. Some of them are criminals. And this is true. Even with a vetting process that […]

Why We Marched, and Why You Should Be Angry About It

On Saturday, 4 million people around the world marched in what was the largest peaceful protest in the history of the planet. And we were there. My wife, my daughter, my son and I made signs, packed snacks, and drove to the state capitol to stand up for something. But what? You know what? Let […]

Goodbye a Little

I’ve had some time to think about it. It’s been more than 48 hours since I lost faith in humanity, and I’ve been thinking like crazy. I’ve made some decisions, although I reserve the right to change my mind in the future. But the first thing I did yesterday when I woke up was to […]

I Lied to My Daughter This Morning and Told Her She Was Safe

I lay awake most of the night, wondering how I was going to explain to my daughter that not only would she not open her eyes to our first female president, but that most of the country had decided that it was okay to elect a man who thinks that sexual assault is a joke. […]

Parenting, Politics, and the Placebo Effect

As I was scrounging around the internet for unsolved mysteries the other day (I found my bag, by the way!), I came across one of the most puzzling phenomena in existence. We have all heard of the placebo effect, and we know that it is real, but it makes no sense! Two people can take […]

Blue and Red Make Purple – Music For a Melting Pot

I don’t suppose it is a coincidence that, in mulling over the stack of items I have been sent for possible review two weeks before the election, I was drawn to something called “Blue and Red Make Purple.” The news has been talking about the “purple states” lately (could Texas become a purple state?!) but […]