The Harry Potter Arms Race: A Cold War of 3rd Grade Proportions

A short while ago I wrote a post about when to introduce your child to Harry Potter. The early books are so light and fun (comparatively), but the later books get very dark, very quickly. So we had this great idea of starting them with my daughter when she was almost 9, and then reading […]

Brundibar: My Daughter’s First Opera

For those of you just joining us here at Tenor Dad, I should inform you before we begin that I am not talking about my daughter seeing her first opera. No, avid readers will recall that her first opera that she ever saw was Gianni Schicchi at the age of 4. Therefore, I cannot be writing […]

How to Remove Security Tags From Clothing

It was the night before her birthday. She was finally in bed asleep (i.e. reading), and that meant it was time to wrap the presents. Turning 9 doesn’t happen every day, so there were some good gifts stashed away in our secret gift location. When I got to the end of the pile, I came […]

Half Over – A Mid-Parenting Crisis

This is it; the halfway point. It has taken so long to get here, but where has the time gone? Tomorrow Ruby will turn 9. Half of her childhood will be gone. And since she had a leap year in her first, fifth, and now ninth years, but will have only two more childhood leapyears […]

Win “Owl Singalong” – The Latest CD From Raffi!

When we got home from Boston last week, I was delighted to find a thick package of music to review from my friends over at Sugar Mountain PR. It arrived just in time for yet another road trip, this time to Maryland for my best friend’s wedding. So with all of the new tunes loaded […]

Twelve Adventures: #3 – Boston!

Yes, we had to take a trip to Boston Children’s Hospital as a part of our continuing family epilepsy adventure, but there was no chance that we were going to take such a trip without injecting a whole lot of fun into it. Life is full of many kinds of adventures, and it’s important to […]

An Innocent Conversation Taken Out of Context

It all started with another one of Edward’s scams. We were at the grocery store, and there was a machine that dispensed toys for the paltry price of two quarters. I did not have two quarters, and Edward and I were having words about it. Things were especially bad because there was another little boy […]

Twelve Adventures: #2 – Lake Placid Olympic Sports Complex

When 2015 rolled into 2016 almost 40 days ago, my family made the decision that this was going to be the year for adventuring. We have committed to having 12 epic adventures, which boils down to one a month. Now, we could skip one month and double up on another, but that can get dangerous. […]

Well If It Was Your Favorite Shirt, Maybe You Shouldn’t Have Eaten It

The temperature in the room drops as the air is sucked right out of it. Evil Dictator Daddy has just arrived, ready to hand down another despicable and unfair proclamation that will ruin countless lives forever. His face a twisted mask of hatred, he speaks the words that you have dreaded hearing, but knew, deep […]

Grade Schoolers Assemble!

“No, I’m not excited about it; it’s stupid,” she said as she unpacked her backpack. This was a fair point. As a veteran of many, many school-wide assemblies I can say with some certainty that the likelihood of it being very boring was quite high. The flyer the school had sent home about it, however, […]