Super Harvest Blood Moon 2: The Doomening

It has happened once before in my lifetime, but I was 4 years old and somehow I missed it. This time I was prepared. I would see the second Super Harvest Blood Moon, and I would see it good. To prepare for this cosmic event I did little to no research and then, at the […]

Instant Playground – Just Add Imagination

Yesterday, our courtyard mysteriously filled up with cardboard boxes and a city was built. Hideouts were constructed, alliances were formed, and a world was created. Legend tells of a kitchen that was installed, causing the appearance of the boxes, but the truth may never be known. Regardless, there was fun to be had, and it was […]

The Adventures of Freddy the Frog the Fly

“What are you talking about?” I mumbled to my children over my burrito. I had been half paying attention to the muted tv screen high on the far wall, and half paying attention to what was happening at the table, but I wanted to increase my parenting points so I made a clumsy effort to […]

This Is It

Well, after 8 1/2 years of it, things are about to change. This is it. Tomorrow, Edward will start kindergarten, even as Ruby moves up to 3rd grade, and my life will never be the same. From 8 AM to 3 PM I will have no children to take care of. This is monumental. Today, […]

When the Girl’s Away, the Bears Will Play

Hello interneters! It is I, Tenor Bear! I am hear because you are all invited to my bear party! (Also because Ruby’s dad is doing something else and not paying attention too his blog) Ruby is at camp allllllll day, and Edward is at camp even more alllllll day, so that means I get too do […]

Does it Count as Throwback Thursday if You Use a Time Machine?

“I’m not really me,” she told me as she ran into the house and slammed the door. “I’m hiding from the other me.” Then she ran back outside, only to return a few minutes later, slamming the door again. “Ok, have you seen another one of me around here? I’m trying to stay away from […]

The Best Experience a Dad Blogger Can Have

Some days I write for myself, just to get something out of my system. Like yesterday. Other days I write for you. Yes, you. I write something that I hope you will enjoy. I hope you will laugh, reflect, learn, or smile. Like the day before yesterday. But honestly, I write a lot of these […]

The Dream, and Where it Came From

I was living in a very large, very old, quirky sort of a country house out in the middle of nowhere. I am currently reading “The Indian in the Cupboard” series to my daughter, and we just started book 4 last night, in which they move out to the country, and the house I imagined […]