Twelve Adventures: #1 – Covered Bridges

Happy 2016! We made it! This is the future, and we are alive! It is time to live like we have arrived. No more worrying about what might happen (because what did that ever get us anyway?), but instead we focus on new themes and goals and challenges that we will face with joy and […]

The 2015 Christmas Eve Scavenger Hunt (CESH), and What Came After

Every year, my wife’s family spends Christmas Eve together, eating cookies, drinking tea and hot chocolate, opening gifts, singing carols, and running around the downtown area publicly humiliating themselves. So basically just your normal holiday traditions. We rotate the responsibilities of designing and constructing the epic photo/video scavenger hunt each year, and this time it […]

Waking Nightmare

This morning, as I lay in bed waiting for my son to wake up, I was pulled suddenly back into a nightmare that almost stopped my heart. From a deep sleep, his whole body suddenly went rigid with a bed-shaking jerk that almost caused him to fall off the side of the bed. A huge, […]

How to Cram Two Children and a Large Tree into a Mazda 5

“It’ll fit,” I said, sizing up the tree out in the field. “It’s the perfect size.” My wife was the one who’d found it, using her spacial awareness superpowers to sniff out the perfectly sized and shaped tree for our living room. She wasn’t in costume, but her superpowers still worked. Ruby agreed that this […]

The Future Just Ain’t What it Used to Be

Be Careful What You Blog About… I typed into Facebook on Saturday as I sat in the urgent care clinic waiting for my son to have his head stapled back together. The last post I had written espoused a theory that you should not tell your children about the fun things you had planned ahead […]

The Age-Old Harry Potter Timeline Question

Since the dawn of recorded history, parents have been asking the same questions over and over again. No matter how many books are written or advices given, it seems that there can never be a true answer to these queries that will have parents awake in bed until the wee hours of the morning. “What […]

Lava Lamps and Disco Balls; Epilepsy and Sadness

I don’t want to write this post. I’ve spend all weekend and most of today trying to avoid it actually, but I don’t have a choice. They sent me a free lava lamp. Last week I never would have dreamed that I would be actively trying to forget one of my favorite days of the […]

Bear in a Squirrel Costume

Hello. If you are a bear, like me, you are probably wondering what to where four Halloween this shear. Well, you should try too go as something that matches yore person’s costume. My person, Ruby, is going to be a tree this time, so I am going to be a squirrel.  This is a picture […]