If You Are Afraid, I Will Pokemon Go With You

I am trying to lose weight and get in shape, but with my wife’s new job starting today some things are changing around here. One of those things is that I no longer have my free gym membership. That’s okay, I can walk and bike and jog and all other sorts of super boring things […]

The 2015 Christmas Eve Scavenger Hunt (CESH), and What Came After

Every year, my wife’s family spends Christmas Eve together, eating cookies, drinking tea and hot chocolate, opening gifts, singing carols, and running around the downtown area publicly humiliating themselves. So basically just your normal holiday traditions. We rotate the responsibilities of designing and constructing the epic photo/video scavenger hunt each year, and this time it […]

Lego Dimensions vs. Disney Infinity

Lego Dimensions. Disney Infinity 3.0. Since neither of these games are out yet and I have not played either of them, this seems like a good time for me to talk about them, don’t you think? Because I have a problem. I don’t know which one to get!!! Let’s look at this objectively. I have […]


Nerdstock.  That’s what we voted to call our weekend.  It beat out other suggested titles such as “Nerdvana,” “Nerdfest,” and “The Conclave of Nerds,” as well as many other titles not suitable for printing in a family publication such as this one.  Like deer camp without hunting, like the Olympics without any sort of athletic […]

Disney Infinity: 49% Marketing Ploy, 51% Fun

From the moment we saw the video online we have been saving our allowance in anticipation of the release of Disney Infinity.  For anyone that has not been at my house for the past few weeks, and thus may not know what Disney Infinity is, I will explain it to you.  Disney Infinity is a […]