Glossary of Terms

It occurs to me that sometimes I use words, names, or phrases that you might not recognize, unless you are related to me or have read every single blog posting I have ever written.  In an effort to be more clear, I have created this glossary of Tenor Dad terms that I can then link to when I use one of them, without having to explain it in writing every time.  I may update this post from time to time, or I may not.  We’ll see how this works.  So anyway, here are some quick definitions for you!

Binky – A pacifier.

Bubbas – Bottles of milk, warmed in the microwave for 30 seconds or so.

Daddy Bear – Ruby’s favorite stuffed bear.  He likes to drive cars and go to bear parties.

Edward – My son, born in March of 2010.  He is (you do the math) years old.

Jesse Jellyroll – Our cat who likes to scratch all of our stuff.

Mousey Lionheart – Our cat who likes to scratch all of our people.

Nini – My mother-in-law, originally called Nina, but the kids changed it to Nini.

Ruby – My daughter, born in March of 2007, so you can figure out how old she is at the time you are reading this.

Simone – My wonderful wife of many years.

Toy Grammy – What Ruby calls my mother, because of the number of toys at my mother’s house.

Uncle Big Dave – My sister’s husband

Uncle Tall Dave – My wife’s sister’s husband

Posted in Glossary, Tenor Dad.


  1. Pingback: The 9/11 Memorial Museum: Why? (A New York City Family Adventure – Part 1) | Tenor Dad

  2. Pingback: Love and Marriage (and Sex) | Tenor Dad

  3. Pingback: My Mother, the Zoo Animal | Tenor Dad

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