The Food Trucks of New York – Part 4

Man, those first food trucks were easy compared to what I was up against now.  The low hanging fruit had been plucked from the branches, and it was time to climb farther up the food truck tree.  I was excited about my new plan of trying to pair a meal truck with a dessert truck.  I checked my list, I signed into twitter, got the locations of two likely trucks, and I was off.

11) The Brothers L&C Latin Fast Food
I took the subway down to Union Square, where I found, nearby, a yummy looking truck full of latin food.  The list told me that the tacos were the best, and there were three different kinds, so I got one of each.  Beef, Chicken, Pork.

They were all good, but I liked the beef the best. There was no time for resting on my latin laurels, however. I had dessert to find, and if the name of the truck was any indication, it was going to be an experience.

12) The Big Gay Ice Cream Truck
The first thing I have to say about The Big Gay Ice Cream Truck is that it is by far the smallest truck I have found so far.  It was not the size of the truck that was big, but rather the gayness of the truck, and also the ice creaminess that was deliciously big.  When I first arrived at the truck, the vendor told me was having a “Mommie Dearest” moment, with himself.  After a bit of hilarious crashing around, he was ready to take my order.  I decided on the “Bea Arthur,” which is vanilla soft serve, and then he took a bottle of caramel and injected it into the ice cream and finally drizzled it all over the outside.  To top it all off, it was rolled in crushed ‘Nilla Wafers.  Words cannot express how yummy this is.

This, so far, is the one truck I would go back to over and over, not only for the food, but for the fun and energy of the truck.  I give it two yums up!  I went after some other trucks, to no avail, but finally did find another truck on a day with no morning rehearsals.  I took a subway down to midtown, this time allowing more time than necessary for finding it, but I was derailed on the way and had to stop by my friend Claire’s office to drop off a ticket for her.  Luckily I still had time (barely) to get to the truck.

13) Bistro Truck
Bistro Truck was not too hard to find, and after purchasing the recommended sandwich of tuna, mortadella, hard boiled egg, veggies, and french fries, I hopped in a cab.  This was a good sandwich.  The only issue I had was that “mixed veggies” basically meant olives, and I think I have a slight allergy to olives.  I’ve only had them three times, but each time I felt really sick afterward, and this was no exception.  Oh well.  It was still a good (if sneaky) sandwich.

So I am now more than halfway through my list.  I feel like I might make it.  Maybe I will find all the food trucks.  My new challenge will be that some of the trucks are not in Manhattan.  I’m about to extend my circle of delicious exploration.  Watch out Brooklyn!

The Food Trucks of New York – Part 1

The Food Trucks of New York – Part 2 

The Food Trucks of New York – Part 3 

The Food Trucks of New York – Part 5

The Food Trucks of New York – Part 6

The Food Trucks of New York – Part 7

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