Your One-Stop Shop For Weird Christian Parody Videos

Well, I made it through another week of teaching music at Vacation Bible School. And as you may recall, last year during that week I managed to get the youth volunteers to help film a music video for the song I wrote about Elijah and the prophets of Baal. This hugely successful project created an expectation that we would film another video this year, but there was a problem; I was way too busy.

“When are we going to film a video?!” demanded Stanya. I explained to her that I was literally busy every single night that week. I had the first read through for a new opera I am doing, I had a house concert to sing, I had the first rehearsal for the Pete Seeger choral album I am singing on, I mean I just had no time. So Stanya insisted that I create and film a video with her and her friends in the 30 minutes I had free between opening music and snack time. This was clearly impossible, but she did not care.

Since we had had some good response to our “Hungry” parody video, and of course our Easter version of “Uptown Funk,” it was decided that we should do a parody, and I let the kids loose to choose a song and come up with some lyrics. They chose “Honey, I’m Good” by Andy Grammer, and decided to write an ode to keeping the dark forces of evil at bay. They called it “Devil, I”m Good,” and in our teensy weensy bit of spare time we recorded the music and shot the video on my phone. Stanya and her friend Bremma sang back-up vocals and played the standard shoulder angel and devil, and we went from there. Also, please note that although I am singing the song, I am not starring in the video. That is our lipsynching friend McClencher. I think it came out better than it ought to have come out, and now that they’ve gotten another taste, I think you can probably expect more of this sort of thing from us in the future. And if you get tired of it, blame Stanya.

Posted in Church, Music, Parody, Religion, Video.


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