Win Tickets to The Okee Dokee Brothers at Bread and Butter Farm!

Vermont friends, I am writing to you with some exciting news about an opportunity for you to hear some great music. As you probably know, I have been getting very excited about kids’ music lately, and one of the best groups out there is the Grammy-winning duo from Colorado, the Okee Dokee Brothers. You may […]

An Amazing, Original, One-of-a-Kind Piece of Phineas & Ferb Art

I hope this does not sound like bragging, because it really isn’t. I mean, I know I just told you about the unbelievably amazing contest I won, for which we received an original drawing of Edward destroying a restaurant, but it has happened again. Not the restaurant destruction. Well, okay, that has happened again, but that’s […]

Our First Piece of Original Artwork

Good morning readers! Do you remember a short while ago when I mentioned the insanely awesome prize pack I had won from Keith Munslow, the leading singer/storyteller of the Rhode Island kindie music scene? If you don’t remember, go check it out because there is a lot of good music that was sent our way […]

Epic Selfie Contest – You Be the Judge!

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending a family reunion, where I got to hang out with all of my aunts and uncles and cousins and second cousins and first cousins once removed and second cousins twice removed and nieces and nephews and mothers and children and adopted half step siblings.  And that […]

The Chorus America Pumpkin: A Short History

One of my first jobs out of college was at Chorus America, the national non-profit service organization for choral music, choral singers, conductors, and administrators.  I started out as a summer temp, became the office manager, and ended up as the database administrator and webmaster.  But no matter how often or drastically my job description […]