Time in a Bottle

My wife is very smart. She is able to evaluate, discern, and make important decisions. She knows that you cannot store time in a bottle. I, on the other hand, throw everything against the wall to see what sticks, and if it doesn’t stick I probably leave it there anyway. And as for time, well, […]

An Apology to “Weird Al” Yankovic

Dear Al, You probably don’t remember me. In fact, I kind of hope you don’t because I am a little embarrassed about the other night. We met for the second time and I had about ten amusing things running through my head to say to you, and instead I said an obnoxious thing that seemed […]

When Your Plans Are Interrupted, You Make New Plans

I never check the news when I am travelling. My normal routine is disrupted, I am busy doing exciting things, and so I often will come home to find out that there has been some sort of major event, natural disaster, celebrity death, or presidential election while I was away for the week and I […]

The Epic Superhero Wish Send-off (& How We Almost Missed It)

We thought he wasn’t sleeping because he was excited. We were all excited. The limousine was arriving at 8 am to whisk us away to the airport for Edward’s Make-a-Wish trip to New York City. So we were excited.  But as he lay in the bed next to me at 3 am, not sleeping, I could […]

Maple Open House Weekend – It Doesn’t Get More Vermont Than This

Is there anything that says “Vermont” more than maple? Sure, we’ve got cows and mountains, but so do plenty of other states. Yes, we’ve got Ben & Jerry’s and Bernie Sanders, but those guys are big time now. Can we really claim them as our own exclusively anymore? No, they belong to the world. But […]

Twelve Adventures: #3 – Boston!

Yes, we had to take a trip to Boston Children’s Hospital as a part of our continuing family epilepsy adventure, but there was no chance that we were going to take such a trip without injecting a whole lot of fun into it. Life is full of many kinds of adventures, and it’s important to […]

Twelve Adventures: #1 – Covered Bridges

Happy 2016! We made it! This is the future, and we are alive! It is time to live like we have arrived. No more worrying about what might happen (because what did that ever get us anyway?), but instead we focus on new themes and goals and challenges that we will face with joy and […]

The 2015 Christmas Eve Scavenger Hunt (CESH), and What Came After

Every year, my wife’s family spends Christmas Eve together, eating cookies, drinking tea and hot chocolate, opening gifts, singing carols, and running around the downtown area publicly humiliating themselves. So basically just your normal holiday traditions. We rotate the responsibilities of designing and constructing the epic photo/video scavenger hunt each year, and this time it […]

Infamous Gigs: “Every Christmas Gig Ever” Edition

Ah, Christmas! The time of joy and love. The season of hope and peace. And, for musicians, the season of endless gigs. It is no secret that everyone hates music that was not created by some sort of computerized machine, which is why it is so hard for non-robotic musicians to make a living. But […]