Time in a Bottle

My wife is very smart. She is able to evaluate, discern, and make important decisions. She knows that you cannot store time in a bottle. I, on the other hand, throw everything against the wall to see what sticks, and if it doesn’t stick I probably leave it there anyway. And as for time, well, […]

We Flew to the Wrong City, But at Least We Got the Right State

We got up on Tuesday morning and prepared for the day like we would any other. The kids went off to school, my wife went to work, and I headed over to church for meetings before teaching a voice lesson at the college. But at lunch time we switched gears. The kids were pulled out […]

Half Over – A Mid-Parenting Crisis

This is it; the halfway point. It has taken so long to get here, but where has the time gone? Tomorrow Ruby will turn 9. Half of her childhood will be gone. And since she had a leap year in her first, fifth, and now ninth years, but will have only two more childhood leapyears […]

The Magical Perfect Hour of 10 AM

You don’t need to be a stay-at-home dad to know this. You don’t have to be retired. All you have to do is take a sick day, or a mental health day, and you will at once discover that there is no more perfect hour than 10 AM. It is, unquestionably and without condition, the […]

The Merits of Being There

There are substitutes for many things in life, but time is not one of them. There is no way to make up for lost time, despite our constant attempts. How often we try to recreate a moment, only to finally realize, “I guess you had to be there.” There simply is nothing that can replace […]

This Is It

Well, after 8 1/2 years of it, things are about to change. This is it. Tomorrow, Edward will start kindergarten, even as Ruby moves up to 3rd grade, and my life will never be the same. From 8 AM to 3 PM I will have no children to take care of. This is monumental. Today, […]

Does it Count as Throwback Thursday if You Use a Time Machine?

“I’m not really me,” she told me as she ran into the house and slammed the door. “I’m hiding from the other me.” Then she ran back outside, only to return a few minutes later, slamming the door again. “Ok, have you seen another one of me around here? I’m trying to stay away from […]

The Final Countdown

“I only have 16 days of school left,” my daughter said nonchalantly as we walked home on Wednesday afternoon. A feeling of terror crept over my body. Could this be true? Could this possibly be true? No! There was no way. “No, that can’t be,” I said. “You have two weeks in June, so that’s […]

Reporting Live From the Good Old Days

Hello, and good morning. This is Tenor Dad, reporting live from the past. Thanks to your local WFTR (news and weather on the 23s!) station’s new chrono upgrades, I have made it back here to the year 2015, or, as we all know it, the good old days. We were all younger, healthier, had more […]