Winter Is Not Coming

I am reporting here from warm and sunny Vermont. That sentence ought to terrify you when you realize that it is December. Yes, this is December 11th, and the high today is 54. It has not snowed yet this season, and we don’t expect it to either. I don’t care what Fox News says, we are in […]

In the Midst of Crisis, Beauty

I was was about to start driving home when I got the message that, as seemed to be the new norm, things were not going well at home health-wise. It was a two-hour drive that I did in an hour forty-five, and my sense of guilt and despair was palpable as I sped through the […]

Put Your Damn Coat On!

When I was in college, I was notorious for walking around in the winter time wearing shorts, sandals, and a t-shirt.  Hey, I was from Vermont!  40 wasn’t cold!  Come on, wimps!  It drove my voice teacher crazy, and he gave me some good advice/knowledge that completely changed my mind on coat-wearing, even if I […]

Reactionary Fashion

Here is a problem that I have on a regular basis that some of you may be able to identify with.  I often dress for the weather of the previous day.  I am a day late and sweater short!  This is bad planning.  I could look up the weather report for the day on my […]

The First Shave After a Long Beard

Although I now concede that I was wrong due to the snow yesterday, I was under the impression this past weekend that spring had arrived.  Therefore, I decided to get into the spirit of the season and shave off my beard, which I grew in the fall because my face was cold.  Under the false […]

Tenor Dad Cancelled Due to Snow

This is a message from the Emergency Blogcast System.  Tenor Dad will not be published today due to the excessive snow.  We apologize for the inconvenience, but Tenor Dad will be spending his morning playing in the snow, building blanket forts, having dance parties, and drinking hot chocolate. We could not have foreseen this, as […]

What a Difference a Degree Makes

Man, one degree makes a heck of a lot more difference than it really should, don’t you think?  And I’m not just talking climate change here.  Yes, it’s true that the global temperature has increased by one degree recently, and this has caused melting polar ice and starving polar bears, earlier bird migrations, islands being […]

Change of Climate, Change of Attitude

Hey weather people!  Yeah, you folks on TV that tell us what you think the weather is going to be!  I’m talking to you!  I have something to say that you might want to think about.  You need to update your attitudes in terms of what people are hoping for in their weather patterns. Sure, […]

Sick on a Sunny Day

There are few things in life that can compete in the suck department with being sick on a sunny day.  And not just a sunny day, but a warm and beautiful sunny day.  The kind of day when you ought to be outside wearing shorts and eating creemees.  But instead you are inside coughing and […]

Weather Bellwether

I am torn.  My heart and my head know that this ridiculously warm weather in the middle of March is not right, but my body is so happy!  It’s always exciting for Spring to arrive.  We are wired to love it.  The birds comes back, the flowers and trees start to bud, and we can […]