A Week Without Facebook

It has now been one week since I woke up and deleted the Facebook app from my phone. This was a huge step for me, since I would go so far as to say that most of my social interactions over the past few years happened on that platform. Not all, but most. I enjoy […]

Goodbye a Little

I’ve had some time to think about it. It’s been more than 48 hours since I lost faith in humanity, and I’ve been thinking like crazy. I’ve made some decisions, although I reserve the right to change my mind in the future. But the first thing I did yesterday when I woke up was to […]

Please Stop Voting For Me

Last night I had the super-fun opportunity to participate in Life Of Dad‘s first Dad Singing Competition. Through the magic of Facebook Live I got to sing, head to head, with another dad who lives on the west coast. It was such a good time, even though I lost, but now I need you to […]

The Divided Kingdom – Brexit, Trump, & the United Methodist Church

Yesterday our cousins over in England voted to cut themselves off from their neighbors and leave the European Union in what is now know as the Brexit. This decades-long exercise in cooperation and tolerance has come to an end for the people of England, formerly of the United Kingdom. I say formerly of the United […]

Tenor Dad After Dark

Hello readers, and welcome to Tenor Dad After Dark, our late-night, adults-only version of our regular blog. Here after 10 PM we can say things like “The Eff Word” and “Poopy Stink Fart.” We can talk about obscene subjects like “Pornographic Films” and “Donald Trump.” Yes, the kid gloves are off tonight my friends. Let’s […]

Super Harvest Blood Moon 2: The Doomening

It has happened once before in my lifetime, but I was 4 years old and somehow I missed it. This time I was prepared. I would see the second Super Harvest Blood Moon, and I would see it good. To prepare for this cosmic event I did little to no research and then, at the […]

A Little Good-Old-Fashioned Racism

The only thing that should surprise me, really, was how surprised I was at the displays of racism I encountered yesterday in small-town Vermont. But I was surprised. It shook me out of my little progressive bubble that is my accidental hiding place from the rest of the world. I don’t mean to hide, and believe […]

Everyone I’ve Ever Known Is My Friend

When I was in high school, I knew who my friends were. I knew who my close friends were, and I knew who my enemies were. I was acutely aware of the shifting social lines that connected all of us, and so I was never confused as to who were my true friends. But now, […]