Bear’s Song

Hello. Bear hear. Nice to sea you again. Ruby’s dad is always righting songs and pomes and stuff, and he never lets me do anything! So I wrote a pome today too. It is a very good pome full of rimes. I hope you like it. It is called “Bear’s Song” Bear’s Song Beware the […]


The Definition of Poetry

A poem is just a collection of words; Some that I made up and some others you’ve heard. Some poems are epic and some of them rhyme, Some are quite good, and some others are mine. I think you’re supposed to use language in ways That cause “black-and-white” folks to notice the grays. Putting old […]

To Protect Your Children’s Identities Online, Give Them Famous Names

In these troubled times of Snapchat harassment, Facebook stalkers, catfishing, and stolen identities, we parents are more concerned than ever as to how to keep our children safe online. It is doubly a worry then for we bloggers, who put information about our children online all the time. How can we protect them? We’ve all […]

Bear in a Squirrel Costume

Hello. If you are a bear, like me, you are probably wondering what to where four Halloween this shear. Well, you should try too go as something that matches yore person’s costume. My person, Ruby, is going to be a tree this time, so I am going to be a squirrel.  This is a picture […]

Everything I Ever Wanted to Do, I Did in Kindergarten

Yesterday we went in for our annual round of parent-teacher conferences. This year, for the first time ever, we got to have both conferences in the same building, because our children attend the same school. We have a 3rd grader and a kindergartener, and you will be pleased to know that they are both doing […]

13 Rules For Writing a Good List

As you all know, lists are the most popular type of post on the internet. People know what they are getting before they click, and approximately how much time it will take them to read. Lists are king. But perhaps you do not know how to write a good listicle? No problem. As an experienced […]

Why You Should Marry The Guy With the Worst Pick-Up Line

I’m sure you’ve heard at least one of them in your time. Perhaps you have said one of them. Maybe you know them all. The bad pick-up line. Any of these sound familiar? “I hope you have a license, because you are driving me crazy.” “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I […]

When the Girl’s Away, the Bears Will Play

Hello interneters! It is I, Tenor Bear! I am hear because you are all invited to my bear party! (Also because Ruby’s dad is doing something else and not paying attention too his blog) Ruby is at camp allllllll day, and Edward is at camp even more alllllll day, so that means I get too do […]