How to Know When You’ve Won Christmas

Well, Christmas happened.  Edward and Ruby got more stuff than they could ever need, as usual, and they have been happily playing with it all ever since.  And after Christmas morning we went up to my mother-in-law’s for more presents.  We did have a nice day off on Friday, but then on Saturday it was across the lake to my mother’s house for Christmas #3.  Of course they didn’t get every single item on their lists, but the children were well taken care of.  And it isn’t over yet.

We still have one more Christmas to go, at my Dad’s this coming weekend.  This means he wants a list of what the kids want for presents.  Well, I have their old lists still, but I thought I would just ask them.  “Ruby, what do you still want that you didn’t get this year?”

She thought about it for a minute, trying to come up with something, and then she looked at me and said “I got a lot of things this Christmas, and I just can’t think of anything else that I want or need.  I think there were things on my list that I didn’t get, but I really don’t remember what they are anymore, so I probably don’t need them.  I’m happy with what I have.”

Christmas: accomplished.


P.S. – Edward just said he wanted all of the things that he already got, but more of them.  Soooooo, I guess he’s happy too?

Posted in Christmas, Edward, Family, Gifts, Parenting, Ruby.

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