42 Things That Taste Better Than Skinny Feels

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, right? Wrong! I am on a quest to lose weight, thanks to some frightening urging by my doctor, some unintentional insulting by my children, and some good-natured competition with my friends. Since I was told I needed to lose some major poundage about a year and a half […]

The One Thing You Should Never Ask a Man

I was at Edward’s soccer game the other day, watching the kids warm up and kick the ball around, when it happened. I know I am not the first man this has happened to, but really, it is 2016. Haven’t we learned to be a little more sensitive by now? I think you all know […]

Tenor Dad’s Patented Weight Loss Tips (Patent Pending)

As an expert in the field of personal weight loss (you will be pleased to know that I have lost 15 pounds in the past two months), it has occurred to me that you may also want to reap the benefits of my vast knowledge. Sure, some of it is hard work, but really weight […]

Stomach Small, Belly Large

When I was younger, and not that much younger, I could eat pretty much anything I wanted. Now, I don’t mean that in a “could eat many calories and not get fat,” or “could eat spicy things without heartburn” kind of way. No, I just mean that it all just…fit. Sure, I would sometimes get indigestion, […]

On Sundays We Dream of Fire: Conversations With a Kindergartener

As a stay-at-home-dad, no one can accuse me of not spending enough time with my kids, but this weekend, with my wife out of town, I got an extra helping of “quality time.” This meant more bickering, more whining, more frustration, and more exhaustion, but it also meant more opportunities for deep and meaningful conversations […]

Why I Stopped Saying I Was Fat

If the scientists of the world came together in the lab and worked for years to create a kind of sponge-mirror, both perfectly absorbing and reflective, they would, at the end of it all, have wasted their time, because it would have been far quicker to just have a child. Any parent will tell you […]

Okay, Okay, I’ll Talk About Fat Opera Singers Again

I have spoken before about just how fat opera singers should be, but it seems that my advice did not take hold across America and the world, because we’re at it again.  It’s time for another cultural argument about the weight of various opera singers, and pretty much only the female ones (though not entirely only […]

The Pros and Cons of a Stomach Flu

Dear readers, I have a terrible stomach flu. I will not bore you or gross you out with a lot of the details of such, but as I sit here, or lie here, and try to put a positive spin on things, I decided to make a list of pros and cons.  You know, to […]

What They Say and What We Hear

Isn’t it funny how our own personal situations skew everything we hear through a filter of our own flawed perspective?  It’s so difficult to step outside of ourselves and really hear what people are saying to us because of the assumptions, prejudices, and lack of critical thinking that we nourish in our own little dens […]

How Fat Should Opera Singers Be?

We all know the saying.  It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.  “It” being the opera, and “the fat lady” being the lead soprano, who often closes out the show with some singing, generally while also dying.  So this linguistic cliche of ours teaches us that opera singers are fat, but lately that hasn’t […]