We Flew to the Wrong City, But at Least We Got the Right State

We got up on Tuesday morning and prepared for the day like we would any other. The kids went off to school, my wife went to work, and I headed over to church for meetings before teaching a voice lesson at the college. But at lunch time we switched gears. The kids were pulled out […]

The Most Ridiculous Thing I Have Ever Purchased

The most ridiculous thing I have ever purchased? You know, to be honest if you had asked me a week ago I would have had a different answer. Last week I would have said the dragon hat I bought in Spain. It was the last day of the trip and I was wandering around Barcelona […]

An Honest to Goodness Early Morning Miracle

It has happened! It is not a fluke! It has been three days in a row now, and I think it might stick! Parents, you will know of what joy I am speaking. You will feel that moment alongside of me, as all of the pain of the past melts away into a brighter tomorrow. […]

Jalapeños are Life Before Kids – Parenting is a Ghost Pepper

Have you ever been to a restaurant with someone with just zero tolerance for spicy food? They won’t order the jalapeño poppers because they are “too hot?” Meanwhile, you are pouring Frank’s Red Hot onto everything, including your water, just so it will have some flavor at all? What wimps those people are! Ha ha! They […]

How to Wake Up Your Parents

Kids, if you are worried that your parents are sleeping too much, you probably want to wake them up. But what is the best way to wake my parents up? you ask. Well, you could try jumping onto their chests and screaming into their faces like my children do, but actually it turns out that […]

“Daddy, Will You Stay With Me?”

“Daddy?” “What is it?” I ask, as I tousle his hair and pull the covers up a little tighter. “Can you read me another story?” “No, you’ve already had stories. It’s time for sleeping now.” I try to smile at him, as I deliver this sad news. “Okay,” he says sadly, rolling over as I […]

Late Night Escape

It was bedtime. Past bedtime, if you must. He and I trudged upstairs where it was made very clear that I would be sharing the big bed tonight. There was no fight about this; everyone was too tired. I settled him down next to me as I pretended to be ready for bed myself. I […]

A 5-Year-Old’s Lullaby to a Dog

He came blasting into my room at 5:?? this morning, leaping, bounding, twisting, and shouting, excited that Mommy would be coming home from school today. I can forgive this. I am excited too. I would be perfectly content to just lazily cuddle him in the bed for the next several hours until the rest of […]

Sleep Softly: Classical Lullabies

The other night, as my wife and I were trying to watch some television program that was not appropriate for children, we noticed my daughter sneaking down the stairs. She was upset because her lullaby CD was not working and she couldn’t sleep. There was a very good reason as to why her lullaby CD […]